
Life Insurance Forms

Request for Beneficiary, Owner, or Name Change

Request for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Request for Duplicate Life Policy

Application for Reinstatement (print on legal paper size)


Annuity Forms

Servicing Agent Change Form

IRA Minimum Distribution Request

Request for Duplicate Annuity Policy

Annuity Partial Withdrawal Request

Request For Beneficiary, Owner, or Name Change

Michigan Withholding for Pension or Annuity Payments

WealthChoice Lifetime Income Benefit Request Form

Guaranty Growth Plus Reallocation Form

All forms above are PDF files that are compatible with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Choose the form you wish to print/view. Forms requiring completion and/or signature should be completed, signed and dated if necessary, and mailed to the address listed on the form. If the form contains no return address, please mail the completed form to the following address:

Guaranty Income Life Insurance Company
2638 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite. 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70816-3404


Agent forms are available on the pre-sales pages of